General Health


Power of algorithm: Identifying high-risk non-adherent patient groups

Medication adherence is essential for successful treatment, especially for long-term chronic diseases. Adherence simply means taking the medicine or performing intervention as prescribed by doctors. Non-adherence to therapy can make any treatment ineffective, leading to suboptimal health results. This may further escalate to be the cause of increased morbidity and mortality1-3. Non-adherence is also a…

General Health

Interventions to tackle medication non-adherence

Medication adherence, or the extent to which patients take medications as prescribed, is remarkably low and it has been reported that typically, patients adhere to about 50% of prescribed medications1. Factors causing medication non-adherence are varied and can be grouped into patient-related, therapy-related, and healthcare system-related1. Some of the common reasons are forgetfulness, adverse effects,…

General Health

Healthcare practitioners: A potential springboard for adherence success

Optimum disease management requires taking medication in the required dosage at the right time as advised by health care practitioners (HCPs). Patients, however, fail to adhere to the prescription even though they have some idea about the benefits. The World health organization declared that resolving treatment non-adherence will have a far greater impact on human…

General Health